Sunday, April 26, 2020

Homework Exchange This Week

Dear Kumon Families,

Hope everyone is doing well at home in the past few weeks.  It is heartwarming to see so many Kumon Families stay enrolled and prioritize their children's education.  With such strong community support, our centre will strive to help our students advance through these turbulent times.  Though there have been difficulties, everyone seems to be adjusting to a new normal.  However, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Hang in there!

We are going to continue with Homework Exchange every Two Weeks.  Regular homework exchange allows us to provide intentional and purposeful planning, monitoring, marking and guidance.  Of course, we used to do this every week.  However, in light of social distancing guidelines, every two weeks is a good compromise.

This week, April 28th to May 2nd is the Homework Exchange Week.  Please come on your child's folder day during the class hours (3:30-7:30pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 2:00-4:00pm on Saturday) to pick up two weeks' worth of new work and return completed work.  If you are not sure about your child's folder day, please call 604-635-1162 or email

At the centre, please observe the social distancing rules when you come in.
  1. One person/family comes into the centre at a time.
  2. Keep 2m distance between families if waiting outside.
  3. New homework is in the crates in the parent waiting area, organized by last name.
  4. Remove your folder and take the new homework.
  5. If you are returning completed homework, put it in the folder.
  6. Put the folder in the boxes under the tables.  Please do not put the folder back in the crates.
We are offering help sessions during class hours on all centre days.  Many families have accessed our help at to connect with us.  Some students really thrive in an online learning environment.  We have removed passcode verification so it is very easy to use!

Stay well and keep in touch.

Thank you,
Kumon Vancouver-South